
Summary of changes

Version 3.1.2 from 11.05.2021

This section reflects the changes in the document made from 01/01/2021.

Version number Section Description Date of change
3.1.1 API Payout by a Cryptogram Added the Payer parameter to the method for payment by cryptogram of payment data 2021-01-18
3.1.2 API Payout by a Cryptogram Including limits to the test terminals 2021-05-11


Terms and Definitions

Transaction Types

The system involves two types of operations: payment and refund. In the first case, money is transferred from holder's account to the merchant, in the second - vice versa. A merchant performs a refund if a buyer wants to return goods, and it is always associated with a payment transaction, which amount returns to a holder. It is possible to refund a whole payment amount or it's part only. Money usually comes back to a holder’s card the same day, but sometimes (it depends on an issuer) it can take up to 3 days. The payment operation, unlike the refund, can be cancelled. Payment can be canceled by a merchant if the payment has been made with an error: incorrect amount, technical failure on the merchant's side, etc. There is a limitation - operation can be cancelled only if a merchant using the two-stage payment scheme. Money at the same time will be available on the card almost immediately.

Payment Schemes

There are two options to make a payment transaction: single message system (SMS) and dual message system (DMS).

Single message payment is made by a single command, depending on the authorization results money is transferred to a merchant.

Dual message payment uses 2 commands: one is used for authorization and another — for a withdraw. After a successful authorization, transaction amount is going to be locked on a cardholder’s account and become unusable for other payments. Then merchant has up to 7 days (depending on a card type) to confirm a transaction to make a withdraw. If a transaction hasn't been confirmed during this time interval, it becomes cancelled automatically. It is possible to confirm full amount or it's part only.

As a rule, the dual message scheme is used to obtain a deposit from a payer, for example, in rental companies or hotels.

Depending on a configuration, the system can automatically confirm dual message payments within a specified number of days.

Payment Methods

A payment can be made using following methods:

3-D Secure

3-D Secure is a common name of Verified By Visa and MasterCard Secure Code programs from Visa and MasterCard's respectively. In general, such program shall authenticate a cardholder (that is to protect against an unauthorized card usage) by an issuer before a payment. Actually, it looks as follows: a cardholder specifies card data. Then the issuer’s web site opens, where a cardholder has to enter a password or a secret code (usually, the code is sent in a SMS message). If the code is correct, a payment will be successful. Otherwise, it will be rejected.

During the payment process, 3-D Secure appears not on all cards, but only on those, Issuers supporting this technology. Certainly, payments without 3-D Secure are a less secure option.

Payment Widget

Payment widget is a pop-up form to enter card data and payer’s email address. The widget automatically defines a payment system type: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or MIR, and an emitting bank of a card and corresponding logos. The form is optimized for use in any browsers and mobile devices. There is an iframe opens within a widget which guarantees a security of card data sending and does not require a certification for merchant's usage.

Widget Installation

To install a widget, you need to add a script on a web site to the head section:

<script src=""></script>

Define a function for charge or auth methods calling for payment form to display: = function () {
    var widget = new cp.CloudPayments();'auth', // or 'charge'
        { //options
            publicId: 'test_api_00000000000000000000001',  //id of site (from back office)
            description: 'Payment example (no real withdrawal)', // purpose/justification/description
            amount: 10,
            currency: 'RUB',
            accountId: '', //customer's/user's/payer's ID (optional)
            invoiceId: '1234567', // order number  (optional)
            skin: "mini", // disign widget (optional)
            data: {
                myProp: 'myProp value' //arbitrary set of parameters
            onSuccess: function (options) { // success
                //action upon successful payment
            onFail: function (reason, options) { // fail
                //action upon unsuccessful payment
            onComplete: function (paymentResult, options) { //It is called as soon as the widget receives a response from api.cloudpayments with the result of the transaction.
                //e.x. calling your Facebook Pixel analytics

Call the function when some event is emitted, for example click on the «Pay» button:


The demonstration of the widget is presented in our demo store. For testing you can use both test card data and real ones. Money withdrawal will not occur.


A call of charge or auth function defines a payment scheme:

Parameter Type Use Description
publicId String Required A web site identifier; located in Back Office
description String Required Description of a payment purpose in any format
amount Float Required Payment amount
currency String Required Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP (see the reference)
accountId String Required for creation of subscription Payer's ID (endpoint customer)
invoiceId String Optional Order or Invoice number
email String Optional E-mail of that user
requireEmail bool Optional Require user's email address to be specified in the widget
data Json Optional Any other data which relates to a transaction, including instructions for a subscription creation or generation of an online receipt. We reserved names of following parameters and display their contents in a transaction registry which are available in the Back Office: name, firstName, middleName, lastName, nick, phone, address, comment, birthDate.
skin String Optional Widget design option. Possible values: "classic", "modern", "mini". The classic is default
retryPayment bool Optional Display the "Repeat payment" button if the payment is unsuccessful. (true is default)

You can define the form behaviour for successful or unsuccessful payment using the following parameters:

Parameter Type Use Description
onSuccess Function or String Optional Either a function or a web site's page is specified. If a function is specified, it will be called after successful payment completion. If a page is specified, a payer will be directed to a specified page
onFail Function or String Optional Either a function or a web site's page is specified. If a function is specified, it will be called after unsuccessful payment completion. If a page is specified , a payer will be directed to a specified page.
onComplete Function Optional A function is specified that will be called as soon as the widget receives a response with the result of the transaction. You cannot make redirects in this method.

Widget Localization

The widget is in Russian by default. You need to add the language parameter in the widget to localize it:

var widget = new cp.CloudPayments({language: "en-US"});

List of supported languages:

languages Timezone Value
Russian MSK ru-RU
English CET en-US
German CET de-DE
Latvian CET lv
Azerbaijani AZT az
Russian ALMT kk
Kazakh ALMT kk-KZ
Ukrainian EET uk
Polish CET pl
Portuguese CET pt
Czech CET cs-CZ
Vietnamese ICT vi-VN
Turkish TRT tr-TR
Spanish CET es-ES
Italian CET it

Recurrent Payments (Subscription)

After successful payment the widget can automatically create a subscription to recurrent payments. For that you have to add the next parameters:

Parameter Type Use Description
Interval String Required An interval. Possible values are: Day, Week, Month.
Period Int Required A period. Use in combination with an interval, 1 Month means once a month, and 2 Week means biweekly.
MaxPeriods Int Optional Maximum number of payments in a subscription. No limitation by default
Amount Numeric Optional A regular payment amount. Matches with the first payment amount by default.
StartDate DateTime Optional Date and time of the first regular payment. By default a startup will occur in a specified interval and the period, for example, in a month.
CustomerReceipt String Optional Data for generation of an online receipt.

It is necessary to add the parameters for starting regular payments to the data.cloudPayments.recurrent as shown below: = function () {
    var widget = new cp.CloudPayments();
    var receipt = {
            Items: [//positions of goods
                    label: 'Product #2', //goods name
                    price: 300.00, //price (per 1 item)
                    quantity: 3.00, //quantity
                    amount: 900.00, // line amount (incl. the discounts)
                    vat: 20, // vat rate
                    method: 0, // tag-1214 sign of a calculation method
                    object: 0, // tag-1212 sign of  the subject of calculation - sign of items, goods, services, payment, payout or other subject of calculation
            taxationSystem: 0, 
            email: '', //e-mail of customer, if you need to send an online-receipt
            phone: '', //phone of customer, if you need to send an online-receipt in SMS as link
            isBso: false, // receipt hasn't a strict reporting form
                electronic: 900.00, // The amount of payment by electronic money (2 decimal places)
                advancePayment: 0.00, // Amount from prepayment (offset of advance payment) (2 decimal places)
                credit: 0.00, // Amount of prepayment (on credit) (2 decimal places)
                provision: 0.00 // The amount of payment by the reciprocal grant (certificates, other material values) (2 decimal places) 

    var data = {};
    data.cloudPayments = {
        CustomerReceipt: receipt, //receipt for the first payment
        recurrent: {
         interval: 'Month',
         period: 1, 
         customerReceipt: receipt //receipt for recurring payments
         }; //create a monthly subscription

    widget.charge({ // options
        publicId: 'test_api_00000000000000000000001', //id of site (from back office)
        description: 'Subscription on monthly access to', //justification
        amount: 1000, //subscription amount
        currency: 'RUB', 
        invoiceId: '1234567', //order or invoice number (optional) 
        accountId: '', //customer/user's ID  (required for subscription)
        data: data
    function (options) { // success
               //action upon successful payment
    function (reason, options) { // fail
                //action upon unsuccessful payment

For more examples of accepting payments using the widget see Integration Scenarios.

For cancelling of recurrent payments use BackOffice features, API, or provide a customer with a link to the system web site where he or she can find and cancel subscriptions by him or herself.

Widget Mobile

A script automatically defines user device and starts the most suitable widget option: customary mode or optimized for mobile devices . For customers's convinience the mobile version occupies a whole screen and prompts to make a payment using a card, or Apple Pay, or Google Pay.

You can make payments in the widget via Apple Pay and Google Pay if following conditions are met:

  1. A web site works through HTTPS and supports TLS version 1.2.
  2. A web site provides no "mixed content", when a part of resources is loaded through HTTPS, and another part is through HTTP.
  3. Simplified (only for websites) or classic integration of Apple Pay functions.
  4. The customer opened the payment page on the site in a browser that supports Apple or Google Pay. For Apple Pay, this is Apple Safari, for Google Pay - Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, Microsoft Edge, Opera, or UCWeb UC. Other browsers do not support Apple or Google Pay payments.

Checkout Script

Checkout is a script which may be built into your website. It collects card data from a specified form needed for cryptogram generation in order to make payment via API available.

The cryptogram is generated according to the RSA algorithm with a key length of 2048 bit and meets the standard on the card data protection. You do not receive card data following the next requirements, but your server can still influence card data security.


Form requirements:

Cryptogram requirements:

PCI DSS security requirements:

In terms of PCI DSS a such way is classified as follows: “E-commerce merchants who outsource all payment processing to PCI DSS validated third parties, and who have a website(s) that doesn’t directly receive cardholder data but that can impact the security of the payment transaction. No electronic storage, processing, or transmission of any cardholder data on the merchant’s systems or premises.” That means payment data is processed by a third party, but a web site influences a security of card data.

You have to fill the SAQ-EP self-estimation sheet and quarterly pass the ASV test to meet the standard requirements.

For more information on compliance with PCI requirements see PCI DSS.


To create a cryptogram, you need to add checkout script on a page with a payment form:

<script src=""></script>

At the beginning create a card data entering form:

<form id="paymentFormSample" autocomplete="off">
    <input type="text" data-cp="cardNumber">
    <input type="text" data-cp="expDateMonth">
    <input type="text" data-cp="expDateYear">
    <input type="text" data-cp="cvv">
    <input type="text" data-cp="name">
    <button type="submit">Pay 100 Rubles</button>

Input fields must be marked with the following attributes:

Once done add a script to create a cryptogram:

this.createCryptogram = function () {
    var result = checkout.createCryptogramPacket();

    if (result.success) {
        // if cryptogram generated successfully
    else {
        // if issues found, object  `result.messages` returns: 
        // { name: "Name field contains too much letters", cardNumber: "Wrong PAN" }
        // where `name`, `cardNumber` matches to attribute values `<input ... data-cp="cardNumber">`
       for (var msgName in result.messages) {

$(function () {
    /* Creation of checkout */
    checkout = new cp.Checkout(
    // public id 
    // tag, containing card data fields

Then send the cryptogram and a name of a card holder to a server and call a payment method via API.

You may learn how Checkout script works in our demo store . You can use both test card data and real one for testing. Money withdrawal will not occur.

When developing your own form, pay attention to the following points:

Recurrent Payments

Recurrent payments that are also known as payments by subscription provide an ability to perform regular money withdrawal from a payer's bank card without re-entering of card details and without participation of a payer for initiation the next payment.

Recurrent payments always begin with the first (setup) payment which requires a payer's card details. It is necessarily needed to familiarize a card holder with the schedule and obtain his consent of direct withdrawal for later regular payments.

There is a widespread belief that the task of recurrent payments is to set an amount to be withdrawn from a client’s card each month. Choice of a regular payment system is based only on cost of provided services. Actually the situation is more complicated because quality of service requires far more functions and features and therefore the procedure for launching and processing recurrent payments in CloudPayments is as simple and flexible as possible while in other systems it is more complicated and limited.

Starting and Stopping Subscriptions

You can start recurrent payments at any time once a setup payment is effected: at the same time, in a week, or in a month. There is the only one restriction: the interval between regular payments, as well as between the starting and the first regular payment, can not exceed one year.

Example: A customer pays the first month of services provision for the first time and consents to a monthly withdrawal from his card starting from the second month. Regular payments can be scheduled through API or payment widget.

If a customer refuses further payments, you can cancel a subscription at any time:

Also a customer can independently find and cancel his or her regular payments at CloudPayments site.

Customizing Payment Schedule

Withdrawal Period and Interval Selection

The system can effect regular payments every 2 weeks, 1 time per month, every 3 months, and so on: you can specify any period.

Withdrawal Starting Date Selection

Recurrent payments can be started immediately when you create a subscription, or with a delay.

Example: A customer subscribes to your service in the middle of a month, then you create a plan for monthly recurring payments starting from the next month on the 15th each month.

Payment Limit

You can specify maximum number of payments in a subscription, or you can create a plan without any limits. In the first case, recurrent payments will be automatically stopped once all the payments in the schedule are done.

Example: A customer purchases goods worth 600$ in installments for a year. He or she pays 50$ as a setup payment and subscribes to a recurrent payment plan of 50$ monthly, but no more than 11 withdrawals.

Subscription Plan Freezing

Subscription to regular payments can be suspended at any time from your personal account or via API.

Example: A customer asks to suspend services provision for a couple of months, then you shift a date of the next payment for the corresponding period.

Payment Amount Change

Setup Payment Amount

Amount of the first (setup) payment can be arbitrary and differ from amount of subsequent recurrent payments.

Example: A customer signs up in your service, then you ask him or her to make a setup payment for 1 ruble (or 1 of another currency) to check the card. After that you can start recurrent payments for any amount with the consent of a customer.

Recurrent Payments Amount Change

Amount of recurrent payments can be changed at any time during the term of a plan through Back Office or via API.

Example: You grant a discount to a customer for the first two months of using the service, then you can increase subscription amount.

Automatic error correction

Errors that occur when making recurrent payments can be separated into two categories: recoverable and non-recoverable.

The first category includes errors associated with insufficient funds on a customer's card, errors of temporary technical problems, or unavailability of a card issuing bank. As a rule, these problems are recoverable over time or by the intervention of a cardholder.

Errors that cannot be corrected relate to the second category: card is expired, card is lost, license is revoked from an issuing bank.

The system handles recurrent payment errors and responds differently depending on the category.

Cardholder Interaction

In case of decline due to insufficient funds on a card, the system informs a holder that the latest payment was failed and that the next attempt to write-off the fund will be the next day, and recommends to top up a card balance.


The system repeats withdrawal attempts for several days if subsequent payment fails due to recoverable error.

Card Data Update

The system offers to fill the form with a new card data to continue recurrent payments. If a customer agrees, the system effects a new setup payment using the details of the received card, adds the payment to the subscription, and continues regular payments using the updated card.

Payer Notification

An important function of recurring payments is timely informing a cardholder on the next payment date. Customers are used to forget about it, so the impendent withdrawal warning prevents insufficient funds on a card. CloudPayments always reminds customers of the next payment date indicating payment date, payment amount, payment description, and a payee.

SDK for iOS

The application demonstrates work with CloudPayments SDK for the iOS platform. You can download it from GitHub. There is also a new version of the SDK, you can try using it. It has successfully passed internal testing and is currently being tested with our pilot merchants. This is a beta version, but in the future it will completely replace the current version of the SDK - GitHub.

In this app you will learn how to get a card data, create a cryptogram, do a 3-D Secure authorization and make a payment on iPhone or iPad.

Terms of use:

SDK for Android

The application demonstrates work with CloudPayments SDK for the Android platform. You can download it from Github. There is also a new version of the SDK, you can try using it. It has successfully passed internal testing and is currently being tested with our pilot merchants. This is a beta version, but in the future it will completely replace the current version of the SDK - GitHub.

In this app you will learn how to get a card data, create a cryptogram, do a 3-D Secure authorization, and make a payment on Android devices.

Terms of use:


API is an application program interface to interact with Merchant's system.

Interaface works on and provides functionality for making a payment, canceling a payment, refunding, confirming payments made according to a dual scheme mode, creating and canceling subscriptions for recurrent payments, and sending invoices by email.

Interface Basics

Parameters` transfer format is determined on client side and can be changed in the request header Content- Type .

The system returns a response in JSON format which includes at least two parameters: Success and Message:

{ "Success": false, "Message": "Invalid Amount value" }

Requests Authentication

For authentication HTTP Basic Auth is used which is sending a login and a password in a header of HTTP request. Public ID serves as a login and API Secret serves as a password. Both of these values you can get in the back office.

API Idempotency

Idempotency is an ability of API to produce the same result as the first one without re-processing in case of repeated requests. That means you can send several requests to the system with the same identifier, and only one request will be processed. All the responses will be identical. Thus the protection against network errors is implemented which can lead to creation of duplicate records and actions.

To enable idempotency, it is necessary to send a header with the X-Request-ID key containing a unique identifier in API request. Generation of request identifier remains on your side - it can be a guid, a combination of an order number, date and amount, or other values of your choice. Each new request that needs to be processed must include new X-Request-ID value. The processed result is stored in the system for 1 hour.

Test Method

The method to test the interaction with the API.

Method URL:


Response example:
The method returns a request status.


Payment by a Cryptogram

The method to make a payment by a cryptogram generated by the Checkout script, Apple Pay, or Google Pay.

Method URL's: — for single message scheme payment — for dual message scheme payment


Parameter Type Use Description
Amount Numeric Required Payment amount
Currency String Required Currency : RUB/USD/EUR/GBP (see the reference)
IpAddress String Required Payer's IP address
Name String Required for all, except of Apple Pay & Google Pay Cardholder name in latin
CardCryptogramPacket String Required Cryptogram
paymentUrl String Optional The address of the site from which the checkout script is called
InvoiceId String Optional Invoice or order number
Description String Optional Payment description
CultureName String Optional Language of notifications. Possible values: "ru-RU", "en-US". (see reference)
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID (Required for Subscription creation and receiving of correct token)
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail to send an online-receipt to
Payer Object Optional An additional field where information about the payer is transferred. Use the following parameters: FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, Birth, Street, Address, City, Country, Phone, Postcode
JsonData Json Optional Any other data that will be associated with transaction including instructions for Subsctiption creation or generation of online-receipt. We reserved the names of the following parameters and display it in the registry of operations which you can download in Back Office: name, firstName, middleName, lastName, nick, phone, address, comment, birthDate.

The server returns JSON response with three components:

Possible response options:

Payment by a cryptogram request example:

    "Description":"Order №1234567 in shop",
    "Name":"CARDHOLDER NAME", // CardCryptogramPacket Required parameter
        "Address":"test address",

Response example: incorrect request:

{"Success":false,"Message":"Amount is required"}

Response example: 3-D Secure authentication is required

    "Model": {
        "TransactionId": 504,
        "PaReq": "eJxVUdtugkAQ/RXDe9mLgo0Z1nhpU9PQasWmPhLYAKksuEChfn13uVR9mGTO7MzZM2dg3qSn0Q+X\nRZIJxyAmNkZcBFmYiMgxDt7zw6MxZ+DFkvP1ngeV5AxcXhR+xEdJ6BhpEZnEYLBdfPAzg56JKSKT\nAhqgGpFB7IuSgR+cl5s3NqFTG2NAPYSUy82aETqeWPYUUAdB+ClnwSmrwtz/TbkoC0BtDYKsEqX8\nZfZkDGgAUMkTi8synyFU17V5N2nKCpBuAHRVs610VijCJgmZu17UXTxhFWP34l7evYPlegsHkO6A\n0C85o5hMsI3piNIZHc+IBaitg59qJYzgdrUOQK7/WNy+3FZAeSqV5cMqAwLe5JlQwpny8T8HdFW8\netFuBqUyahV+Hjf27vWCaSx22fe+KY6kXKZfJLK1x22TZkyUS8QiHaUGgDQN6s+H+tOq7O7kf8hd\nt30=",
        "AcsUrl": ""
    "Success": false,
    "Message": null

Response example: Transaction rejected. ReasonCode field contains error code (see the reference):

    "Model": {
        "TransactionId": 504,
        "Amount": 10.00000,
        "Currency": "RUB",
        "CurrencyCode": 0,
        "PaymentAmount": 10.00000,
        "PaymentCurrency": "RUB",
        "PaymentCurrencyCode": 0,
        "InvoiceId": "1234567",
        "AccountId": "user_x",
        "Email": null,
        "Description": "Order №1234567 in shop",
        "JsonData": null,
        "CreatedDate": "\/Date(1401718880000)\/",
        "CreatedDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41", //all dates in  UTC format
        "TestMode": true,
        "IpAddress": "",
        "IpCountry": "RU",
        "IpCity": "Ufa",
        "IpRegion": "Республика Башкортостан",
        "IpDistrict": "Приволжский федеральный округ",
        "IpLatitude": 54.7355,
        "IpLongitude": 55.991982,
        "CardFirstSix": "411111",
        "CardLastFour": "1111",
        "CardExpDate": "05/19",
        "CardType": "Visa",
        "CardTypeCode": 0,
        "Issuer": "Sberbank of Russia",
        "IssuerBankCountry": "RU",
        "Status": "Declined",
        "StatusCode": 5,
        "Reason": "InsufficientFunds", // reason of  rejection
        "ReasonCode": 5051, //rejection code
        "CardHolderMessage":"Not enough funds on the card", //message for a payer
        "Name": "CARDHOLDER NAME",
    "Success": false,
    "Message": null

Response example: transaction accepted:

    "Model": {
        "TransactionId": 504,
        "Amount": 10.00000,
        "Currency": "RUB",
        "CurrencyCode": 0,
        "InvoiceId": "1234567",
        "AccountId": "user_x",
        "Email": null,
        "Description": "Оrder №1234567 in shop",
        "JsonData": null,
        "CreatedDate": "\/Date(1401718880000)\/",
        "CreatedDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41", //all the dates in UTC format
        "AuthDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/",
        "ConfirmDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/",
        "AuthCode": "123456",
        "TestMode": true,
        "IpAddress": "",
        "IpCountry": "RU",
        "IpCity": "Ufa",
        "IpRegion": "Республика Башкортостан",
        "IpDistrict": "Приволжский федеральный округ",
        "IpLatitude": 54.7355,
        "IpLongitude": 55.991982,
        "CardFirstSix": "411111",
        "CardLastFour": "1111",
        "CardExpDate": "05/19",
        "CardType": "Visa",
        "CardTypeCode": 0,
        "Issuer": "Sberbank of Russia",
        "IssuerBankCountry": "RU",
        "Status": "Completed",
        "StatusCode": 3,
        "Reason": "Approved",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "CardHolderMessage":"ayment successfully completed", //message for a payer
        "Name": "CARDHOLDER NAME",
        "Token": "a4e67841-abb0-42de-a364-d1d8f9f4b3c0"
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null

3-D Secure Processing

To complete 3-D Secure authentication , you need to divert a payer to the address specified in the AcsUrl parameter of server's response with following parameters:

Form example:

<form name="downloadForm" action="AcsUrl" method="POST">
    <input type="hidden" name="PaReq" value="eJxVUdtugkAQ/RXDe9mLgo0Z1nhpU9PQasWmPhLYAKksuEChfn13uVR9mGTO7MzZM2dg3qSn0Q+X\nRZIJxyAmNkZcBFmYiMgxDt7zw6MxZ+DFkvP1ngeV5AxcXhR+xEdJ6BhpEZnEYLBdfPAzg56JKSKT\nAhqgGpFB7IuSgR+cl5s3NqFTG2NAPYSUy82aETqeWPYUUAdB+ClnwSmrwtz/TbkoC0BtDYKsEqX8\nZfZkDGgAUMkTi8synyFU17V5N2nKCpBuAHRVs610VijCJgmZu17UXTxhFWP34l7evYPlegsHkO6A\n0C85o5hMsI3piNIZHc+IBaitg59qJYzgdrUOQK7/WNy+3FZAeSqV5cMqAwLe5JlQwpny8T8HdFW8\netFuBqUyahV+Hjf27vWCaSx22fe+KY6kXKZfJLK1x22TZkyUS8QiHaUGgDQN6s+H+tOq7O7kf8hd\nt30=">
    <input type="hidden" name="MD" value="504">
    <input type="hidden" name="TermUrl" value="">
    window.onload = submitForm;
    function submitForm() { downloadForm.submit(); }

To complete the payment, use the following Post3ds method.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
TransactionId Int Required MD parameter value
PaRes String Required PaRes value

The server will return either information about successful transaction or declined in response to correctly created request.

Payment by a Token (Recurring)

The method to make a payment by a token received either with payment by cryptogram or via Pay notification.

Method URL's: — for single message scheme payment. — for dual message scheme payment.


Parameter Type Use Description
Amount Numeric Required Amount of payment
Currency String Required RUB/USD/EUR/GBP (see the reference)
AccountId String Required Payer's ID
Token String Required Card tokens issued by the system. You get it with the first successful payment
InvoiceId String Optional Order or invoice number
Description String Optional Payment description/purpose
IpAddress String Optional Payer's IP address
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail to send an online-receipt to
JsonData Json Optional Any other data that will be associated with the transaction, including the instructions for Subsctiption creation or generation of online-receipt. We reserved the names of the following parameters and display it in the registry of operations, which you may download in Back Office: name, firstName, middleName, lastName, nick, phone, address, comment, birthDate.

The server returns JSON response with three components:

Possible response options:

Payment by token request example:

    "Description":"Order №1234567 in shop",

Response example: incorrect request

{"Success":false,"Message":"Amount is required"}

Response example: transaction rejected. ReasonCode field contains an error code (see the reference):

    "Model": {
        "TransactionId": 504,
        "Amount": 10.00000,
        "Currency": "RUB",
        "CurrencyCode": 0,
        "InvoiceId": "1234567",
        "AccountId": "user_x",
        "Email": null,
        "Description": "Order №1234567 in shop",
        "JsonData": null,
        "CreatedDate": "\/Date(1401718880000)\/",
        "CreatedDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41", //all the dates in UTC format
        "TestMode": true,
        "IpAddress": "",
        "IpCountry": "RU",
        "IpCity": "Ufa",
        "IpRegion": "Республика Башкортостан",
        "IpDistrict": "Приволжский федеральный округ",
        "IpLatitude": 54.7355,
        "IpLongitude": 55.991982,
        "CardFirstSix": "411111",
        "CardLastFour": "1111",
        "CardType": "Visa",
        "CardTypeCode": 0,
        "Issuer": "Sberbank of Russia",
        "IssuerBankCountry": "RU",
        "Status": "Declined",
        "StatusCode": 5,
        "Reason": "InsufficientFunds", //decline reason
        "ReasonCode": 5051,
        "CardHolderMessage":"Недостаточно средств на карте", //message for a payer
        "Name": "CARDHOLDER NAME",
    "Success": false,
    "Message": null

Response example: transaction accepted

    "Model": {
        "TransactionId": 504,
        "Amount": 10.00000,
        "Currency": "RUB",
        "CurrencyCode": 0,
        "InvoiceId": "1234567",
        "AccountId": "user_x",
        "Email": null,
        "Description": "Order №1234567 in shop",
        "JsonData": null,
        "CreatedDate": "\/Date(1401718880000)\/",
        "CreatedDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41",  //all the dates in UTC format
        "AuthDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/",
        "ConfirmDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/",
        "AuthCode": "123456",
        "TestMode": true,
        "IpAddress": "",
        "IpCountry": "RU",
        "IpCity": "Уфа",
        "IpRegion": "Республика Башкортостан",
        "IpDistrict": "Приволжский федеральный округ",
        "IpLatitude": 54.7355,
        "IpLongitude": 55.991982,
        "CardFirstSix": "411111",
        "CardLastFour": "1111",
        "CardType": "Visa",
        "CardTypeCode": 0,
        "Issuer": "Sberbank of Russia",
        "IssuerBankCountry": "RU",
        "Status": "Completed",
        "StatusCode": 3,
        "Reason": "Approved",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "CardHolderMessage":"Оплата успешно проведена", //message for a payer
        "Name": "CARDHOLDER NAME",
        "Token": "a4e67841-abb0-42de-a364-d1d8f9f4b3c0"
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null

Payment Confirmation

For payments made by DMS scheme you need to confirm a transaction. Confirmation can be done through Back office or via callig this API method.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
TransactionId Int Required Systems transaction number
Amount Numeric Required Amount to confirm in currency of transaction
JsonData Json Optional Any other data that will be associated with transaction including the instructions for generation of online-receipt

Request example:


Response example:


Payment Cancellation

Cancellation of payment can be executed through your Back Office or by calling of the API method.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
TransactionId Int Required Systems transaction number

Request example:


Response example:



Refund can be executed through your Back Office or by calling of the API method.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
TransactionId Int Required Systems transaction number
Amount Numeric Required Refund amount in currency of transaction
JsonData Json Optional Any other data that will be associated with the transaction, including the instructions for generation of online-receipt

Request example:

{"TransactionId":455, "Amount": 100}

Response example:

    "Model": {
        "TransactionId": 568
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null

Payout by a Cryptogram

Payment by a cryptogram can be executed through calling of this API method.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Name String Required Cardholder Name in Latin
CardCryptogramPacket String Required Payment Cryptogram
Amount Numeric Required Payment Amount
AccountId String Required Payer's ID
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail to send an online-receipt to
JsonData Json Optional Any other data that will be associated with the transaction. We reserved the names of the following parameters and display it in the registry of operations, which you may download in Back Office: name, firstName, middleName, lastName, nick, phone, address, comment, birthDate
Currency String Required Currency
InvoiceId String Optional Order or invoice number
Description String Optional Payment description/purpose
Payer Object Optional Additional field where information about the payer is sent
Receiver Object Optional Additional field where information about the recipient is sent

Request example:

      //The set of fields is the same for the Receiver parameter.
        "Address":"test address",

Response example:

      "CardHolderMessage":"Оплата успешно проведена",
      "GatewayName":"Tinkoff Payout"

Payout by a Token

Payout by a token can be executed through calling of the following API method.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Token String Required Card tokens issued by the system. You get it with the first successful payment
Amount Numeric Required Payment Amount
AccountId String Required Payer's ID
Currency String Required Currency
InvoiceId String Optional Order or invoice number
Payer Object Optional Additional field where information about the payer is sent
Receiver Object Optional Additional field where information about the recipient is sent

Request example:

      //The set of fields is the same for the Receiver parameter.
        "Address":"test address",

Response example:

      "CardHolderMessage":"Оплата успешно проведена",
      "GatewayName":"Tinkoff Payout"

Transaction Details

The method returns a transaction details.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
TransactionId Int Required Transaction number

If transaction is found, the system returns information about it.

Request example:


Response example:

    "Model": {
        "TransactionId": 504,
        "Amount": 10.00000,
        "Currency": "RUB",
        "CurrencyCode": 0,
        "InvoiceId": "1234567",
        "AccountId": "user_x",
        "Email": null,
        "Description": "Order №1234567 in shop",
        "JsonData": null,
        "CreatedDate": "\/Date(1401718880000)\/",
        "CreatedDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41", //all the dates are in UTC format
        "AuthDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/",
        "ConfirmDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/",
        "PayoutDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/", 
        "PayoutAmount": 99.61, 
        "TestMode": true,
        "IpAddress": "",
        "IpCountry": "RU",
        "IpCity": "Уфа",
        "IpRegion": "Республика Башкортостан",
        "IpDistrict": "Приволжский федеральный округ",
        "IpLatitude": 54.7355,
        "IpLongitude": 55.991982,
        "CardFirstSix": "411111",
        "CardLastFour": "1111",
        "CardExpDate": "05/19",
        "CardType": "Visa",
        "CardTypeCode": 0,
        "Issuer": "Sberbank of Russia",
        "IssuerBankCountry": "RU",
        "Status": "Completed",
        "StatusCode": 3,
        "Reason": "Approved",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "CardHolderMessage":"Оплата успешно проведена", //message for payer
        "Name": "CARDHOLDER NAME",
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null

Payment Status Check

The method for payment searching which returns it's status (see the reference).

Method URL (old) :

Method URL (new):


Parameter Type Use Description
InvoiceId String Required Order or invoice number

If a payment for the specified order number is found, the system will return either information about the successful transaction or about the declined If several payments with the specified order number are found, the system will return information about the latest operation only. The difference of the new method is that it searches for all payments, including refunds and payments to the card.

Request example:


Response example:

{"Success":false,"Message":"Not found"}

Transaction List

The method to get a list of transactions for a day.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Date Date Required Date to check
TimeZone String Optional Time zone code, UTC by default

All the transactions registered on the specified day will be returned in the list. For your convenience, you can specify the time zone code (see the reference)

Request example:

{"Date":"2019-02-21", "TimeZone": "MSK"}

Response example:

    "Model": [{
        "TransactionId": 504,
        "Amount": 10.00000,
        "Currency": "RUB",
        "CurrencyCode": 0,
        "InvoiceId": "1234567",
        "AccountId": "user_x",
        "Email": null,
        "Description": "Payment at",
        "JsonData": null,
        "CreatedDate": "\/Date(1401718880000)\/",
        "CreatedDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41", //all the dates are in chosen time zone
        "AuthDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/",
        "ConfirmDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/",
        "PayoutDate": "\/Date(1401733880523)\/", 
        "PayoutAmount": 99.61, 
        "TestMode": true,
        "IpAddress": "",
        "IpCountry": "RU",
        "IpCity": "Уфа",
        "IpRegion": "Республика Башкортостан",
        "IpDistrict": "Приволжский федеральный округ",
        "IpLatitude": 54.7355,
        "IpLongitude": 55.991982,
        "CardFirstSix": "411111",
        "CardLastFour": "1111",
        "CardExpDate": "05/19",
        "CardType": "Visa",
        "CardTypeCode": 0,
        "Issuer": "Sberbank of Russia",
        "IssuerBankCountry": "RU",
        "Status": "Completed",
        "StatusCode": 3,
        "Reason": "Approved",
        "ReasonCode": 0,
        "CardHolderMessage":"Оплата успешно проведена", //message for payer
        "Name": "CARDHOLDER NAME",
    "Success": true,

Token List

The method to get a list of all payment tokens of CloudPayments.

Method URL:


Response example:

    "Model": [
            "Token": "tk_020a924486aa4df254331afa33f2a",
            "AccountId": "user_x",
            "CardMask": "4242 42****** 4242",
            "ExpirationDateMonth": 12,
            "ExpirationDateYear": 2020
            "Token": "tk_1a9f2f10253a30a7c5692a3fc4c17",
            "AccountId": "user_x",
            "CardMask": "5555 55****** 4444",
            "ExpirationDateMonth": 12,
            "ExpirationDateYear": 2021
            "Token": "tk_b91062f0f2875909233ab66d0fc7b",
            "AccountId": "user_x",
            "CardMask": "4012 88****** 1881",
            "ExpirationDateMonth": 12,
            "ExpirationDateYear": 2022
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null

Creation of Subscriptions on Recurrent Payments

The method to create subscriptions on recurrent payments.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Token String Required Card tokens issued by the system after the first payment
AccountId String Required Payer's ID
Description String Required Payment description/purpose
Email String Required Payer's E-mail
Amount Numeric Required Payment amount
Currency String Required Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP (see the reference)
RequireConfirmation Bool Required If true — payments will work by DMS
StartDate DateTime Required Date time of the first subscription payment in UTC timezone
Interval String Required Possible values: Day, Week, Month
Period Int Required Works in combination with the Interval, 1 Month means once per mont, 2 Week means once per two weeks
MaxPeriods Int Optional Maximum quantity of subscription payments
CustomerReceipt String Optional For content of an online-receipt changing.

The system returns a message about the successful operation and the subscription identifier in response to correctly created request.

Request example:

   "description":"Monthly subscription on some service at",

Response example:

      "Id":"sc_8cf8a9338fb8ebf7202b08d09c938", //Subscription ID
      "Description":"Monthly subscription on some service at"
      "RequireConfirmation":false, //true for enabling the DMS
      "StartDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41", //all the dates are in UTC

Subscription Details

The method to get an information about subscription status.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Id String Required Subscription ID

Request example:


Response example:

      "Id":"sc_8cf8a9338fb8ebf7202b08d09c938", //Subscription ID
      "Description":"Monthly subscription on some service at",
      "RequireConfirmation":false, //true for enabling the DMS
      "StartDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41", //all the dates are in UTC

The method to get a list of subscriptions for a particular account.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
accountId String Required Subscription ID

Request example:


Response example:

  "Model": [
      "Id": "sc_4bae8f5823bb8cdc966ccd1590a3b",
      "AccountId": "",
      "Description": "Subscription on some service",
      "Email": "",
      "Amount": 1.02,
      "CurrencyCode": 0,
      "Currency": "RUB",
      "RequireConfirmation": false,
      "StartDate": "/Date(1473665268000)/",
      "StartDateIso": "2016-09-12T15:27:48",
      "IntervalCode": 1,
      "Interval": "Month",
      "Period": 1,
      "MaxPeriods": null,
      "CultureName": "ru",
      "StatusCode": 0,
      "Status": "Active",
      "SuccessfulTransactionsNumber": 0,
      "FailedTransactionsNumber": 0,
      "LastTransactionDate": null,
      "LastTransactionDateIso": null,
      "NextTransactionDate": "/Date(1473665268000)/",
      "NextTransactionDateIso": "2016-09-12T15:27:48"
      "Id": "sc_b4bdedba0e2bdf279be2e0bab9c99",
      "AccountId": "",
      "Description": "Subscription on some service #2",
      "Email": "",
      "Amount": 3.04,
      "CurrencyCode": 0,
      "Currency": "RUB",
      "RequireConfirmation": false,
      "StartDate": "/Date(1473665268000)/",
      "StartDateIso": "2016-09-12T15:27:48",
      "IntervalCode": 0,
      "Interval": "Week",
      "Period": 2,
      "MaxPeriods": null,
      "CultureName": "ru",
      "StatusCode": 0,
      "Status": "Active",
      "SuccessfulTransactionsNumber": 0,
      "FailedTransactionsNumber": 0,
      "LastTransactionDate": null,
      "LastTransactionDateIso": null,
      "NextTransactionDate": "/Date(1473665268000)/",
      "NextTransactionDateIso": "2016-09-12T15:27:48"
  "Success": true,
  "Message": null

Recurrent Payments Subscription Change

The method to change a subscription on recurrent payments.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Id String Required Subscription ID
Description String Optional Description of change
Amount Numeric Optional Amount to change to
Currency String Optional Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP (see the reference)
RequireConfirmation Bool Optional If true — payments will work by DMS
StartDate DateTime Optional For date of the first (or the next following) payment in UTC zone changing.
Interval String Optional For interval changing. Possible values: Week, Month
Period Int Optional For period changing. In combination with the Interval, 1 Month means once per month, 2 Week means once per two weeks.
MaxPeriods Int Optional For max periods of recurring payments changing.
CustomerReceipt String Optional For content of an online-receipt changing.

The system returns a message with the successful operation and subscription parameters in response to correctly created request.

Request example:

   "description":"Rate №5",

Response example:

      "Id":"sc_8cf8a9338fb8ebf7202b08d09c938", //Subscription ID
      "Description":"Rate №5",
      "RequireConfirmation":false, //true for enabling the DMS
      "StartDateIso":"2014-08-09T11:49:41", //all the dates are in UTC

Subscription on Recurrent Payments Cancellation

The method to cancel subscription on recurrent payments.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Id String Required Subscription ID

The system returns a message about the successful operation in response to correctly created request.

Request example:


Response example:


You can also provide a link to the system’s website —, where payer can independently find and cancel his or her regular payments.

Invoice Creation on Email

The method to generate a payment link and sending it to a payer's email.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Amount Numeric Required Payment Amount
Currency String Required Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP (see the reference)
Description String Required Payment description/purpose
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail
RequireConfirmation Bool Optional If true — payments will work by DMS
SendEmail Bool Optional If true — payer will get an email with the link on the invoice
InvoiceId String Optional Order or Invoice number
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID
OfferUri String Optional Link to the offer that will be shown on the order page
Phone String Optional Free format phone number of the payer
SendSms Bool Optional If true — payer will get a SMS with the link on the invoice
SendViber Bool Optional If true — payer will get a Viber message with the link on the invoice
CultureName String Optional Notifications language. Possible values: "ru-RU", "en-US"
SubscriptionBehavior String Optional For subscription creation. Possible values: CreateWeekly, CreateMonthly
SuccessRedirectUrl String Optional Page address for redirect upon successful payment
FailRedirectUrl String Optional Page address for redirecting in case of unsuccessful payment
JsonData Json Optional Any other data that will be associated with the transaction, including the instructions for generation of online-receipt

Request example:

    "Description":"Payment at website",

Response example:

        "Description":"Payment at website",

Created Invoice Cancellation

The method to create invoice cancellation.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
Id String Required Invoice ID

The system returns a message about the successful operation in response to correctly created request.

Request example:


Response example:


View of Notification Settings

The method to view notification settings (with selection of notification type).

Method URL:{Type}/get


Parameter Type Use Description
Type String Required Notification type: Check/Pay/Fail and so on (see the reference)

Response example on Pay notification:

    "Model": {
        "IsEnabled": true,
        "Address": "",
        "HttpMethod": "GET",
        "Encoding": "UTF8",
        "Format": "CloudPayments"
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null

Change of Notification Settings

The method to change notification settings.

Method URL:{Type}/update


Parameter Type Use Description
Type String Required Notification type: Pay, Fail and so on except Check (see the reference)
IsEnabled Bool Optional True is enabled, Default is false.
Address String Optional if IsEnabled=false, else Required Address for sending notifications (for HTTPS schemes a valid SSL certificate is required).
HttpMethod String Optional HTTP method for sending notifications. Possible values: GET, POST. The default is GET.
Encoding String Optional Encoding of notifications. Possible values: UTF8, Windows1251. The default is UTF8.
Format String Optional The format of the notifications. Possible values: CloudPayments, QIWI, RT. The default is CloudPayments.

Example request for Pay notification:

    "IsEnabled": true,
    "Address": "",
    "HttpMethod": "GET",
    "Encoding": "UTF8",
    "Format": "CloudPayments"

Response example:


Start of Apple Pay Session

Start of session is required to take payments via Apple Pay in Web. It is not required for Mobile platforms.

Method URL:


Parameter Type Use Description
ValidationUrl String Required Address received in Apple JS
paymentUrl String Optional Address for starting a session in Apple

The system returns a session in the Model object for paying via Apple Pay in JSON response to correctly created request.

Request example:


Response example:

    "Model": {
        "epochTimestamp": 1545111111153,
        "expiresAt": 1545111111153,
        "merchantSessionIdentifier": "SSH6FE83F9B853E00F7BD17260001DCF910_0001B0D00068F71D5887F2726CFD997A28E0ED57ABDACDA64934730A24A31583",
        "nonce": "d6358e06",
        "merchantIdentifier": "41B8000198128F7CC4295E03092BE5E287738FD77EC3238789846AC8EF73FCD8",
        "domainName": "",
        "displayName": "",
        "signature": "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"
    "Success": true,
    "Message": null


The API issues messages for users are in Russian by default. You need to pass the CultureName parameter to localize language.

Supported languages:

Language TimeZone Code
Russian MSK ru-RU
English CET en-US
Latvian CET lv
Azerbaijani AZT az
Russian ALMT kk
Ukrainian EET uk
Polish CET pl
Vietnamese ICT vi
Turkish TRT tr

Airline Addendum

airline addendum is extended information about an itinerary receipt which is transmitted to the payment system with a transaction for processing. Usage of airline addendum allows you to reduce the risk of fraudulent transactions and lower the cost of payments processing. It consists of information about a route receipt, segments (flights), and passengers.

Information on an itinerary receipt includes:

Parameter Type Use Description
BookingRef String Required, no ticket number is specified Booking number
TicketNumber String Required, if no reservation number is specified Ticket number

A segment means one flight: takeoff and landing. You must specify all segments of the route with a list of the following parameters:

Parameter Type Use Description
FlightNumber String Required Flight number
DepartureDateTime DateTime Required Departure date and time
ArrivalDateTime DateTime Required Arrival date and time
OriginatingCountry String Required Country of departure in Russian or English
OriginatingCity String Required Departure city in Russian or English
OriginatingAirportCode String(3) Required Departure airport code - 3 letters by IATA classification
DestinationCountry String Required Arrival country in Russian or English
DestinationCity String Required Arrival City in Russian or English
DestinationAirportCode String(3) Required Arrival airport code - 3 letters by IATA classification

For providing of information about passengers, it is necessary to specify name and surname in Latin letters for each of them:

Parameter Type Use Description
FirstName String Required Passenger name
LastName String Required Passenger surname

AirlineAddendum can be submitted in parameter AirlineAddendum using any API payment method or via reply on check notification.

Example of airline addendum:

   "TicketNumber":"390 5241025377",
         "FlightNumber":"A3 971",
         "FlightNumber":"A3 204",
         "FlightNumber":"A3 980",


Notification is an HTTP request from the system to your site. Similar requests are also called callback or webhook. The system provides several types of notifications: check whether it is possible to make a payment, information about successful and unsuccessful payments, notification about changes of subscriptions on recurrent payments, and also information about generated online-receipts.


The Check notification is performed once a cardholder filled in a payment form and pressed the “Pay” button. It serves the purpose of payment validation: the system sends a request to a merchant's website address with payment information, and the website must validate and define if it's needed to confirm or reject the payment.

The list of parameters transmitted in the request body is presented in the table:

Parameter Format Use Description
TransactionId Numeric Required Transaction number in the system
Amount Numeric, dot as separator, two digits after dot Required Amount specified in payment parameters
Currency String Required Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP specified in payment parameters (see reference)
DateTime yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Required Payment creation date / time in the UTC time zone
CardFirstSix String(6) Required First 6 digits of a card number
CardLastFour String(4) Required Last 4 digits of a card number
CardType String Required Card Payment System: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro, or MIR
CardExpDate String Required Expiration date in MM/YY format
TestMode Bit (1 or 0) Required Test mode sign
Status String Required Payment status if successful: Completed — for SMS sheme, Authorized — for DMS scheme
OperationType String Required Transaction type: Payment/Refund/CardPayout (see reference)
InvoiceId String Optional Order number specified in payment parameters
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID specified in payment parameters
SubscriptionId String Optional Subscription identifier (for recurrent payments)
TokenRecipient String Optional Token for payouts
Name String Optional Cardholder's name
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail address
IpAddress String Optional Payer's IP address
IpCountry String(2) Optional Two-letter code of a country of a payer's location by ISO3166-1
IpCity String Optional Payer's location city
IpRegion String Optional Payer's location region
IpDistrict String Optional Payer's location district
Issuer String Optional Name of a card issuing bank
IssuerBankCountry String(2) Optional Two-letter country code of a card issuer by ISO3166-1
Description String Optional Payment description specified in payment parameters
Data Json Optional An arbitrary set of parameters passed to the transaction

The system expects a response in JSON format with the required parameter code:


The code defines a payment result and can take the following values:

Code Description Result
0 Payment can be done The system will authorize a payment
10 Invalid order number Payment will be declined
11 Invalid AccountId Payment will be declined
12 Invalid amount Payment will be declined
13 Payment cannot be accepted Payment will be declined
20 Payment overdue Payment will be declined, a payer will receive a notification


The Pay notification is performed once a payment is successfully completed and an issuer's authorization is received.

It serves the purpose of information about a payment: the system sends a request to a merchant's website address with payment information, and the merchant's site has to register the fact of payment.

The list of parameters transmitted in the request body is presented in the table:

Parameter Format Use Description
TransactionId Numeric Required Transaction number in the system
Amount Numeric, dot as separator, two digits after dot Required Amount specified in payment parameters
Currency String Required Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP specified in payment parameters (see reference)
DateTime yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Required Payment creation date / time in the UTC time zone
CardFirstSix String(6) Required First 6 digits of a card number
CardLastFour String(4) Required Last 4 digits of a card number
CardType String Required Card Payment System: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or MIR
CardExpDate String Required Expiration date in MM/YY format
TestMode Bit (1 or 0) Required Test mode sign
Status String Required Payment status once authorized: Completed — for SMS sheme, Authorized — for DMS scheme
OperationType String Required Operation type: Payment/Refund/CardPayout (see reference)
GatewayName String Required Acquiring Bank Identifier
InvoiceId String Optional Order or Invoice number specified in payment parameters
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID specified in payment parameters
SubscriptionId String Optional Subscription identifier (for recurrent payments)
Name String Optional Cardholder's name
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail address
IpAddress String Optional Payer's IP address
IpCountry String(2) Optional The Two-letter code of a country of a payer's location by ISO3166-1
IpCity String Optional Payer's location city
IpRegion String Optional Payer's location region
IpDistrict String Optional Payer's location district
Issuer String Optional Name of a card issuing bank
IssuerBankCountry String(2) Optional Two-letter country code of a card issuer by ISO3166-1
Description String Optional Payment description specified in payment parameters
Data Json Optional Arbitrary set of parameters passed to a transaction
Token String Optional Token of a card for further payments without entering of card data
TotalFee Decimal Required Total fee value
CardProduct String Optional Card Product Type
PaymentMethod String Optional Payment Method ApplePay or GooglePay
FallBackScenarioDeclinedTransactionId Int Optional First unsuccessful transaction number

The system expects a response in JSON format with the required parameter code:


The code defines a payment result and can take only one value:

Code Value
0 Payment is registered


The Fail notification is performed if a payment was declined and is used to analyze a number and causes of failures.

You need to consider that a fact of decline is not final since a user can pay the second time.

The list of parameters transmitted in the request body is presented in the table:

Parameter Format Use Description
TransactionId Numeric Required Transaction number in the system
Amount Numeric, dot as separator, two digits after dot Required Amount specified in payment parameters
Currency String Required Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP specified in the payment parameters (see reference)
DateTime yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Required Payment creation date / time in the UTC time zone
CardFirstSix String(6) Required First 6 digits of a card number
CardLastFour String(4) Required Last 4 digits of a card number
CardType String Required Card Payment System: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or MIR
CardExpDate String Required Expiration date in MM/YY format
TestMode Bit (1 or 0) Required Test mode sign
Reason String Required Decline reason
ReasonCode Int Required Error Code (see the reference)
OperationType String Required Operation type: Payment/Refund/CardPayout (see reference)
InvoiceId String Optional Order or Invoice number specified in payment parameters
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID specified in payment parameters
SubscriptionId String Optional Subscription identifier (for recurrent payments)
Name String Optional Cardholder's name
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail address
IpAddress String Optional Payer's IP address
IpCountry String(2) Optional The Two-letter code of a country of a payer's location by ISO3166-1
IpCity String Optional Payer's location city
IpRegion String Optional Payer's location region
IpDistrict String Optional Payer's location district
Issuer String Optional Name of a card issuing bank
IssuerBankCountry String(2) Optional Two-letter country code of a card issuer by ISO3166-1
Description String Optional Payment description specified in payment parameters
Data Json Optional Arbitrary set of parameters passed to a transaction
Token String Optional Token of a card for further payments without entering of card data
PaymentMethod String Optional Payment Method ApplePay or GooglePay
FallBackScenarioDeclinedTransactionId Int Optional First unsuccessful transaction number

The system expects a response in JSON format with the required parameter code:


The code defines a payment result and can take only one value:

Code Value
0 Attempt is registered


The Confirm notification is performed by the DMS scheme.

The list of parameters transmitted in the request body is presented in the table:

Parameter Format Use Description
TransactionId Numeric Required Transaction number in the system
Amount Numeric, dot as separator, two digits after dot Required Amount specified in payment parameters
Currency String Required Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP specified in the payment parameters (see reference)
DateTime yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Required Payment creation date / time in the UTC time zone
CardFirstSix String(6) Required First 6 digits of a card number
CardLastFour String(4) Required Last 4 digits of a card number
CardType String Required Card Payment System: Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or MIR
CardExpDate String Required Expiration date in MM/YY format
TestMode Bit (1 or 0) Required Test mode sign
Status String Required Payment status once authorized: Completed
InvoiceId String Optional Order or Invoice number specified in payment parameters
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID specified in payment parameters
SubscriptionId String Optional Subscription identifier (for recurrent payments)
Name String Optional Cardholder's name
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail address
IpAddress String Optional Payer's IP address
IpCountry String(2) Optional The Two-letter code of a country of a payer's location by ISO3166-1
IpCity String Optional Payer's location city
IpRegion String Optional Payer's location region
IpDistrict String Optional Payer's location district
Issuer String Optional Name of a card issuing bank
IssuerBankCountry String(2) Optional Two-letter country code of a card issuer by ISO3166-1
Description String Optional Payment description specified in payment parameters
Data Json Optional Arbitrary set of parameters passed to a transaction
Token String Optional Token of a card for further payments without entering of card data
PaymentMethod String Optional Payment Method ApplePay or GooglePay

The system expects a response in JSON format with the required parameter code:


The code defines a payment result and can take only one value:

Code Value
0 Payment is registered


The Refund notification is performed if a payment was refunded (fully or partially) on your initiative via the API or Back Office.

The list of parameters transmitted in the request body is presented in the table:

Parameter Format Use Description
TransactionId Numeric Required Refund transaction number in the system
PaymentTransactionId Int Required Payment transaction number in the system (original)
Amount Numeric, dot as separator, two digits after dot Required Refund amount in payment currency
DateTime yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Required Refund date / time in UTC time zone
OperationType String Required Operation type: Payment/Refund/CardPayout (see reference)
InvoiceId String Optional Invoice or Order number of the original transaction
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID of the original transaction
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail address
Data Json Optional Arbitrary set of parameters passed to a transaction

The system expects a response in JSON format with the required parameter code:


The code defines a payment result and can take only one value:

Code Value
0 Refund is registered


The Recurrent notification is performed if the recurring payment subscription status was changed.

The list of parameters transmitted in the request body is presented in the table:

Parameter Format Use Description
Id Int Required Subscription identifier
AccountId String Required Payer's ID
Description String Required Paymet Description
Email String Required Payer's E-mail address
Amount Numeric Required Payment amount
Currency String Required Currency: RUB/USD/EUR/GBP specified in payment parameters (see reference)
RequireConfirmation Bool Required If true then a payment will be made by the DMS scheme
StartDate DateTime Required Date and time of the first payment according to the plan in the UTC time zone
Interval String Required Interval. Possible values are Week, Month
Period Int Required Period. In combination with the interval 1 Month means once a month, 2 Week means once every two weeks.
Status String Required Subscription statuses
SuccessfulTransactionsNumber Int Required Number of successful payments
FailedTransactionsNumber Int Required Number of unsuccessful payments (reset after each successful)
MaxPeriods Int Optional Maximum number of payments per subscription
LastTransactionDate yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Optional Date and time of the last successful payment in the UTC time zone
NextTransactionDate yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Optional Date and time of the next payment in the UTC time zone

The system expects a response in JSON format with the required parameter code:


The code defines a payment result and can take only one value:

Code Value
0 Changes are registered


The Cancel notification is performed by the DMS scheme once payment was canceled via the API or Back Office.

The list of parameters transmitted in the request body is presented in the table:

Parameter Format Use Description
TransactionId Numeric Required Canceled transaction number in the system
Amount Numeric, dot as separator, two digits after dot Required Canceled transaction amount in a payment currency
DateTime yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Required Cancellation date / time in the UTC time zone
InvoiceId String Optional Order number of an operation
AccountId String Optional Payer's ID of a canceled operation
Email String Optional Payer's E-mail address
Data Json Optional Arbitrary set of parameters passed to a transaction

The system expects a response in JSON format with the required parameter code:


The code defines a payment result and can take only one value:

Code Value
0 Refund is registered

Notification Validation

All the notifications — check, pay, fail, confirm, cancel, refund, and recurrent - have the X-Content-HMAC and Content-HMAC HTTP headers which contains a validation value of a request which is calculated using the HMAC algorithm. The only difference is that the first one is generated from URL decoded (or not encoded) parameters, and the second one is generated from URL encoded parameters (which can cause problems). If you need to verify authenticity and integrity of notifications, you can calculate a validation value on your side and compare it with the request value. The coincidence confirms that you received the notification we sent in the original form.

Please pay attention to the following points when implementing notification validation:

HMAC calculation Examples in different programming languages.

The system sends notifications from the following addresses:,,, and

For you, this means that:

Learn more how to opt out of SSL3. After June 8, https notifications to servers that support only SSL3 may not be delivered.

Apple Pay


Apple Pay is a modern, convenient, and secure payment method by Apple. Once a payer binds a card to a phone, he or she is able to confirm a payment with a fingerprint or Face ID when paying. The technology works in mobile applications, and Safari browser on iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, and the latest MacBooks.

Apple Pay works with Visa and MasterCard cards and is available to all organizations and individual entrepreneurs working with CloudPayments without additional agreements and changes in agreement conditions.

You can test payment via Apple Pay in our Demo Store. You can use either test or real card data. Money withdrawal will not occur.

Classic Integration

Apple Pay Merchant ID, certificates, and domains

In order to use Apple Pay technology, you need to register a Merchant ID, generate a payment certificate and a certificate for web payments, and confirm that you own domains of sites on which payment will be made.

Merchant ID registration:

  1. Log in to the Apple Developer Account console to the section «Certificates, IDs & Profiles», then «Merchant IDs». Register new Merchant ID:

    • In the Description field, enter a description;
    • In the Identifier field, specify the address of your main site in the reverse order and with the prefix “merchant”. For example, if the address of your main site is, then Identitfier is
  2. Save the result.

Certificates creation:

  1. Email tо with your registered Apple Merchant ID. Our support team will generate two requests for certificates and send it back. The process takes no more than 10 minutes, but it can be delayed depending on the workload.

  2. In the Apple Developer console generate two cetificates: Payment Processing Certificate and Merchant Identity Certificate. Send both to our support.

Domain validation:

  1. Add the domain names to the Apple Developer console for each site where you plan to accept payments via Apple Pay. Please note that sites must work through HTTPS and support the TLS 1.2 protocol.

  2. Confirm domain ownership.

In the widget it will be possible to pay via Apple Pay.

Taking payments with Apple Pay

The payment scheme includes 3 stages:

Apple Pay in Mobile Applications

Use Apple's PassKit SDK to get a PaymentToken and the cryptogram payment method in the CloudPayments API for making a payment.


Manual placement of Apple Pay on the site

If you want to place the Apple Pay button directly on your website like in the example below (not via the payment widget), then follow the further instructions.

Integration involves usage of a client part (javascript) and a server. On a client part you need to check compatibility of a device and process the next events: a session creation, a payment authorization, and a payment processing.

On a server side, you need to make API calls:

  1. Apple Pay session start;

  2. Payment by a cryptogram.

Js-code example:

if (window.ApplePaySession) { //device check
    var merchantIdentifier = 'Ваш Apple Merchant ID';
    var promise = ApplePaySession.canMakePaymentsWithActiveCard(merchantIdentifier);
    promise.then(function (canMakePayments) {
        if (canMakePayments) {
            $('#apple-pay').show(); // Apple Pay button
$('#apple-pay').click(function () { //button handler
    var request = {
        // requiredShippingContactFields: ['email'], uncomment if you need an e-mail. You can also request postalAddress, phone, name. 
        countryCode: 'RU',
        currencyCode: 'RUB',
        supportedNetworks: ['visa', 'masterCard'],
        merchantCapabilities: ['supports3DS'],
        //specify the description of payment only in Latin!
        total: { label: 'Test', amount: '1.00' }, //payment description and amount
    var session = new ApplePaySession(1, request);

    // event handler to create merchant session.
    session.onvalidatemerchant = function (event) {

        var data = {
            validationUrl: event.validationURL

        // send a request to your server, and then request the CloudPayments API
        // for session start
        $.post("/ApplePay/StartSession", data).then(function (result) {

    // payment authorization event handler
    session.onpaymentauthorized = function (event) {

        //var email = event.payment.shippingContact.emailAddress; //if the e-mail address was requested
        //var phone = event.payment.shippingContact.phoneNumber; //if the phone was requested
        //see all the options at

        var data = {
            cryptogram: JSON.stringify(event.payment.token)

        //send a request to your server, and then request the CloudPayments API
        //to make a payment
        $.post("/ApplePay/Pay", data).then(function (result) {
            var status;
            if (result.Success) {
                status = ApplePaySession.STATUS_SUCCESS;
            } else {
                status = ApplePaySession.STATUS_FAILURE;


    //Apple Pay session start

Simplified Integration (Web Only)

We simplified the registration procedure at Apple. For websites, creating an account in the Apple Developer console using our payment solutions is no longer necessary.
It is sufficient now in the Back Office in site configuration:

Your site must work through HTTPS and TLS 1.2 protocol for this option to be enabled successfully.


If you use the Checkout script, you need to place ApplePay manually.
In case of using the Widget the Apple Pay payment method will appear automatically when the Apple Pay option is enabled in the Back Office.

Apple Pay Terms of Use

You can use the Apple Pay technology with the CloudPayments system on websites and in mobile applications, subject to Apple’s terms of use:


Google Pay


Google Pay is a fast and easy payment method used in mobile apps and Chrome browser for all Android devices. Google Pay provides convenience of payment and safety of customer data.

Google Pay works with Visa and MasterCard cards and is available to all organizations and individual entrepreneurs working with CloudPayments system without additional agreements.

You can test payment via Google Pay in our Demo Store (it's on Russian). Use either test or real card data. Money withdrawal will not occur.

Google Pay Basics

Google Pay combines an ability to pay through the Google Pay application (previously Android Pay) in shops and a typical card payment stored in a Google user account.

If a buyer makes a payment in the app or from mobile device that supports Google Pay, he will be asked to confirm a payment in a way that depends on device capabilities.

When paying with a device without the Google Pay app, a buyer will be asked to select a saved card from his Google account and to pass 3-d Secure authentication at the discretion of the system.

Accepting Payments with Google Pay

The payment scheme includes 3 stages:


Registration of sites and applications

For receiving payments in an application or on a website with direct integration:

  1. Check that all requirements for branding are met;
  2. Fill out the registration form, and then Google representative will contact you and instruct on further steps;
  3. Be ready to send a build of an application (.apk) for verification or a link to a site with a payment page.

For taking payments through the widget using Gpay registration and site validation are not required

Google Pay in Mobile

Use Google Pay API to get the PaymentData value and the payment by a cryptogram method to execute a payment.

When making a request for payment data, specify a payment type through the Wallet-Constants.PAYMENT_METHOD_TOKENIZATION_TYPE_PAYMENT_GATEWAY gateway and add two parameters:

  1. gateway: cloudpayments;
  2. gatewayMerchantId: Public ID value from CloudPayments Back Office.`
PaymentMethodTokenizationParameters params =
            .addParameter("gateway", "cloudpayments")
            .addParameter("gatewayMerchantId", "your Public ID")

See also:

Google Pay in Web

There are two options for accepting Google Pay payments on your website: using the built-in features of the widget or direct integration - that is placing a button directly on your page without additional forms. In the first case no additional integration is required. In the second case your website should be available through HTTPS and support the TLS protocol version 1.2. Site domain must be previously registered and validated by Google.

Direct integration involves usage of a client part (javascript) and a server. On a client you can check compatibility of a device and receive payment information, and on a server you send a payment request to the API.

Js code example:

var allowedPaymentMethods = ['CARD', 'TOKENIZED_CARD'];
var allowedCardNetworks = ['MASTERCARD', 'VISA']; 
var tokenizationParameters = {
    tokenizationType: 'PAYMENT_GATEWAY',
    parameters: {
        'gateway': 'cloudpayments',
        'gatewayMerchantId': 'pk_b9fa79f3d759c56a9b856d8ac59b1' //your public id
function getGooglePaymentsClient() {
    return (new google.payments.api.PaymentsClient({ environment: 'PRODUCTION' }));

// Google Pay API handler
function onGooglePayLoaded() {
    var paymentsClient = getGooglePaymentsClient();
    //device check
    paymentsClient.isReadyToPay({ allowedPaymentMethods: allowedPaymentMethods })
        .then(function (response) {
            if (response.result) {
                $('#gpay-checkout').show(); //button enable

function getGooglePaymentDataConfiguration() {
    return {
        merchantId: '04349806409183181471', //issued after registering with Google
        paymentMethodTokenizationParameters: tokenizationParameters,
        allowedPaymentMethods: allowedPaymentMethods,
        cardRequirements: {
            allowedCardNetworks: allowedCardNetworks

//transaction info
function getGoogleTransactionInfo() {
    return {
        currencyCode: 'RUB',
        totalPriceStatus: 'FINAL',
        totalPrice: '10.00'

//button handler
function onGooglePaymentButtonClicked() {
    var paymentDataRequest = getGooglePaymentDataConfiguration();
    paymentDataRequest.transactionInfo = getGoogleTransactionInfo();

    var paymentsClient = getGooglePaymentsClient();
        .then(function (paymentData) {

//payment processing
function processPayment(paymentData) {
    var data = {
        cryptogram: JSON.stringify(paymentData.paymentMethodToken.token)

    // send a request to your server, and then request the CloudPayments API
    // to make a payment
    $.post("/GooglePay/Pay", data).then(function (result) {
        if (result.Success) {
            //payment successful
        } else {
            if (result.Model.PaReq) { 
                //3-d secure required
            } else {
                //payment declined

At the end of a page you need to place the script to call the Google Pay API functions:

<script async src="" onload="onGooglePayLoaded()"></script>

See also:

Google Pay Terms of Use

You can use Google Pay technology with CloudPayments on websites and mobile applications subject to the following requirements:

Integration Scenarios

The system offers various integration options from very simple to infinitely functional depending on the requirements.

Payment Form

If you do not need to check payments before payment and record a fact after payment:

Payment Registering

If you need to register payments in your system without pre-check, then your actions are:

Payment Checking and Registering

If you need to check and register payments in your system, then your actions are:

Recurrent Payments for ISP's

The payment solution is suitable for Internet providers, telecom operators, and telecoms. The notifications for checking and registering payments can be configured both in CloudPayments format and in QIWI format (OSMP).


    this.paySample3 = function () {
    var widget = new cp.CloudPayments();

    var data = {};
    var auto = $('#recurrent-sample-3').is(':checked'); //checking

    if (auto) { //enabling the subscription

        var date = new Date(); //current date
        date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); //next month
        date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1); //minus one day

        var recurrent = { interval: 'Month', period: 1, startDate: date }; //once a month starting from the next month minus one day

        data.cloudPayments = {
            recurrent: recurrent

    var amount = parseFloat($('#amount-sample-3').val());
    var accountId = $('#account-sample-3').val();

    widget.charge({ // options
        publicId: 'test_api_00000000000000000000002', //id from Back Office
        description: 'Top up the account number ' + accountId, //purpose/justification
        amount: amount, 
        currency: 'RUB', 
        accountId: accountId, //Payer's ID (required for subscription)
        data: data
    function (options) { // success
        //action upon successful payment
    function (reason, options) { // fail
        //action upon unsuccessful payment


Recurrent Payments for Charities

The payment solution is suitable for charitable foundations. The name, surname, phone number, e-mail, and any other form data will be saved in the widget and transferred to your server via Pay notification.


this.paySample4 = function () {
    var widget = new cp.CloudPayments();

    var data = { //donator data
        name: $('#name-sample-4').val(),
        lastName: $('#lastName-sample-4').val(),
        phone: $('#phone-sample-4').val()

    var auto = $('#recurrent-sample-4').is(':checked'); //check

    if (auto) { //enabling the subscription
        data.cloudPayments = {
            recurrent: { interval: 'Month', period: 1 } //once a month starting the next month

    var amount = parseFloat($('#amount-sample-4').val());
    var accountId = $('#email-sample-4').val();

    widget.charge({ // options
        publicId: 'test_api_00000000000000000000002', //id from Back Office
        description: 'Donation to a fund ...', //purpose
        amount: amount, 
        currency: 'RUB', 
        accountId: accountId, //Payer's ID (required for subscription)
        email: accountId,
        data: data
    function (options) { // success
        //action upon successful payment
    function (reason, options) { // fail
        //action upon unsuccessful payment


Payment by Installments

The payment solution is suitable for companies selling goods and services with the possibility of payment by installments.


this.paySample5 = function () {
    var widget = new cp.CloudPayments();

    var amount = 12000; //by default 12,000 rubles at once
    var data = {};

    var payLater = $('#select-sample-5-later').is(':checked'); //check

    if (payLater) { //enabling the subscription
        data.cloudPayments = {
            recurrent: { interval: 'Month', period: 1, amount: 1000, maxPeriods: 6 } //6 months for 1000 rubles starting the next month
        amount = 6000; //The amount of the first payment is 6000 rubles.

    widget.charge({ // options
        publicId: 'test_api_00000000000000000000002', //id from Back Office
        description: 'Payment ...', //purpose
        amount: amount, 
        currency: 'RUB', 
        accountId: '', //Payer's ID (required for subscription)
        data: data
    function (options) { // success
        //action upon successful payment
    function (reason, options) { // fail
        //action upon unsuccessful payment


Regular recurrent payments

If you need to charge a fee from your customers on a regular basis according to a schedule, the scenario may be also as follows:


One Click Payment(Recurring)

If you need to save the card data on the payment gateway side for further payment in one click without entering the card data and without 3-D Secure, the scenario may be as follows:


If the user agrees, save the card mask (a type and the last 4 digits) and the token after the payment in his profile. The card and the token parameters are returned by the system in Pay notifications and in API payment response.


If the user selects the previously used card, call the payment method by a token via the API.


If the user does not want to pay with the attached card anymore, remove the mask and the token from his or her profile.


PCI DSS is an information security standard developed for payment card industry for organizations that handle branded cards (Visa and MasterCard). All the companies that accept cards for payment must be in compliance with this standard. Some of them need to confirm their compliance.

Compliance with the Requirements

The main requirement of the standard is to limit access to payment card data as much as possible. The best solution is not to have access to them at all, and instead use certified providers to receive payments. In practice, that means that either requesting or sending card numbers is prohibited. If a customer says that the payment failed and starts dictating card number, her or she must be interrupted. If a customer sent card number by mail or in other messengers it must be deleted and a customer must be asked no longer do so.

The protected data includes a full card number and CVV2 / CVC2 code (the last 3 digits on the back side). An owner's name, an expiration date and a masked card number (the first 6 and last 4 digits) do not need to be protected according to the requirements of the standard so they can be used within reasonable limits.

PCI DSS Compliance with CloudPayments

CloudPayments is a certified service provider with the highest level of PCI DSS compliance, granting the right to store payment card data and process more than 6 million payments annually. Confirmation of compliance takes place every year as a part of a certification audit.

All CloudPayments payment tools are designed in such a way that when you use them, you automatically meet the security requirements. No need to take additional measures.

An exception is the acceptance of payments using the Checkout technology. It is necessary to confirm compliance when using it: fill out a self-assessment sheet and quarterly check the site for vulnerabilities with a special scanner.

Checkout Technology

Checkout is a unique tokenization card technology for accepting payments on your website and in your form without embedded iframe elements, which gives maximum control and conversion of payments. Payment card data is encrypted in the buyer's browser, so your site is not involved in the processing and storage of card numbers, which significantly reduces the scope of application of PCI DSS requirements. However, site affects the security of card data and it is necessary to perform a scan at least once a quarter for searching viruses and vulnerabilities on order to protect it. Scanning must be done by an accredited vendor (ASV) from the list provided on the PCI Council website.

ASV Scan

ASV Scan is an automated scan of your site for vulnerabilities. The scanner checks for viruses, known vulnerabilities, such as XSS, SQL Injections, and so on, and then compiles a detailed report with instructions on how to fix problems if they were detected.

The use of the scanner is necessary for receiving payments using the Checkout technology; for other tools such as widget, mobile SDK, recurring,and recurrent it is not required.

The choice of vendor for scanning remains at your discretion, but it must be from the list on the PCI website . If you have no preferences, we recommend to use Trustwave - an international company, a recognized leader in information security.

Instructions for Trustwave ASV scanner

The annual cost of the package of services is $ 499 and includes a subscription to the scan, assistance in completing the self-assessment sheet, training materials, and security policy.

You need to:

Online Cash Register

Federal Act №54

The Federal Act №54 on The Use of Cash Registers as amended on 3 July 2016 requires Internet services to use cash registers and send online-receipts to a buyer at the time of calculation when making electronic payments (including bank cards).

Law Basics

Online Fiscalization

CloudPayments offers its partners a cloud solution for online fiscalization of Internet payments and within the Federal Law №54 for any business you will obtain:

The Cash Register will be placed in the data center 24/7 with the Internet and power connections, working around the clock and without interruptions. Our employees will monitor its technical condition and timely change fiscal memory devices. Special software will correct errors, open and close shifts on a schedule, put receipts on the queue in the cloud and reliably send them to customers.


Cash Register

We use "MicroPay-FAS" and "MicroPay-FS" cash registers with the connection to any fiscal data operator.


Technology Demonstration

The example of payment by a card with automatic receipt generation and sending to an e-mail or a phone.


You can know the price of online fiscalization and maintenance services on the CloudKassir website and/or contact your account manager.

Onboarding Procedure

To activate the online fiscalization service, you should:

After signing the contract and paying the bill, you will get a Cash Register and a fiscal memory devices number for registration with in Federal Tax Service.

Online Receipt Format for Payment Methods

Receipt data must be sent in json format as shown below:

var receipt = {
            "Items": [//commodity items
                    "label": "Product №1", //item name
                    "price": 100.00, 
                    "quantity": 1.00, 
                    "amount": 100.00, 
                    "vat": 0, //vat rate
                    "method": 0, // tag-1214 sign of the calculation method
                    "object": 0, // tag-1212 sign of the calculation object - sign of the calculation object, work, service, payment, payout, or another calculation object
                    "measurementUnit": "шт" 
                }, {
                    "label": "Product №2", //item name
                    "price": 200.00, 
                    "quantity": 2.00, 
                    "amount": 300.00, //amount with 25% discount
                    "vat": 10, //vat rate
                    "method": 0, // tag-1214 sign of the calculation method
                    "object": 0, // tag-1212 sign of the calculation object - sign of the calculation object, work, service, payment, payout, or another calculation object
                    "measurementUnit": "шт",
                    "excise": 0.01, // tag-1229 excise amount
                    "countryOriginCode": "156", // tag-1230 digital code of the goods origin country in accordance with the National country classification in 3 characters
                    "customsDeclarationNumber": "54180656/1345865/3435625/23" // tag-1231 customs declaration registration number 32 characters
                    "ProductCodeData": //product labeling data
                            "CodeProductNomenclature":"3031303239303030303033343....a78495a4f6672754744773d3d" //full HEX of marking barcode (Only for Micropay cash registers)
                }, {
                        "label": "Product №3", //item name
                        "price": 300.00, 
                        "quantity": 3.00,
                        "amount": 900.00, 
                        "vat": 20, //vat rate
                        "method": 0, // tag-1214 sign of the calculation method
                        "object": 0, // tag-1212 sign of the calculation object - sign of the calculation object, work, service, payment, payout, or another calculation object
                        "measurementUnit": "шт", 
                        "AgentSign": 6, // tag OFD 1057, 1222
                        "AgentData": { //tag OFD 1223
                            "AgentOperationName": null, // name of the operation of the bank payment agent or bank payment subagent, tag OFD 1044
                            "PaymentAgentPhone": null,  //  payment agent telephone, tag OFD 1073
                            "PaymentReceiverOperatorPhone": null, // tag OFD 1074
                            "TransferOperatorPhone": null, // tag OFD 1075
                            "TransferOperatorName": null, // tag OFD 1026
                            "TransferOperatorAddress": null, // tag OFD 1005
                            "TransferOperatorInn": null // tag OFD 1016
                        "PurveyorData": { //tag OFD 1224
                            "Phone": "+74951234567", // tag OFD 1171
                            "Name": "ООО Ромашка", // tag OFD 1225
                            "Inn": "1234567890" // tag OFD 1226
            "calculationPlace": "", //calculation place, by default taken from the cash register
            "taxationSystem": 0, //optional, if you have one taxation system
            "email": "", //buyer's e-mail , if you need to send a email with the receip
            "phone": "", //buyer's phone number in free format, if you need to send a link on the receipt via SMS
            "customerInfo": "", // tag-1227 Buyer's organisation name or name, middlename(if available), surname and passport data (of buyer)
            "customerInn": "7708806063", // tag-1228 TIN of the buyer  
            "isBso": false, //if receipt is a form of strict accountability
            "AgentSign": null, // tag OFD 1057
                "electronic": 1300.00, // the amount of payment by electronic money
                "advancePayment": 0.00, // prepayment amount (offset of advance payment) (2 decimal places)
                "credit": 0.00, // postpay amount (on credit) (2 decimal places)
                "provision": 0.00 // the amount of payment by the reciprocal grant (certificates, other physical values) (2 decimal places)

var data = { //the contents of the data element
    "cloudPayments": {
      "customerReceipt": receipt, //online-receipt

Details of СustomerReceipt object you may see in documentation of Cloudpayments

Terms and Conditions of Online-Receipt Generation

Data for an online receipt can be transferred to the widget parameters, with payment by a cryptogram or by a token, with payment confirmation, when making a refund, and also through special CloudKassir API(En).

Receipt Types and Settlement signs

When transferring online receipt data to the widget or payment methods, the system generates 2 receipt types in automatic mode:

Sending Receipt to Customer

Online receipt must be sent by e-mail or SMS (Viber / WhatsApp / Telegram) message to a phone number according to customer preferences. Receipt can be sent by CloudPayments system automatically if customer provided an e-mail or a phone number, or customer can send a receipt manually as soon as the system passes all the necessary details in the Receipt notification about generated receipts.

Moment of Receipt Sending

Receipt must be sent to a customer at the time of the settlement. For Single message scheme payment a receipt is generated immediately when a payment is completed, for dual message scheme payments a receipt is generated when confirming an operation.

Online Receipt Testing

When working in test mode, cash receipts will be generated in a demo Cash Register with a debug fiscal drive. You can transfer data for an online receipt when paying in test mode and check an operation of online cash register.


Once you have an access to Back Office, it is in a test mode already which means that payments and other operations will take place in emulation mode.

For testing, you can use the following card data:

Type Card Number Payment result Payment result by Token
Card Visa with 3-D Secure 4242 4242 4242 4242 Successful result Successful result
Card MasterCard with 3-D Secure 5555 5555 5555 4444 Successful result Successful result
Card Visa with 3-D Secure 4012 8888 8888 1881 Insufficient funds
Card MasterCard with 3-D Secure 5105 1051 0510 5100 Insufficient funds
Card Visa without 3-D Secure 4111 1111 1111 1111 Successful result Insufficient funds
Card MasterCard without 3-D Secure 5200 8282 8282 8210 Successful result Insufficient funds
Card Visa without 3-D Secure 4000 0566 5566 5556 Insufficient funds
Card MasterCard without 3-D Secure 5404 0000 0000 0043 Insufficient funds

Apple Pay Testing

In test mode, the system accepts payments with any card binded to Apple Pay for less than 10,000 rubles with a successful result (but does not charge money) and rejects payments in excess of 10,000 rubles with the "Insufficient funds" error.

Online Cash Register Testing

When operating in test mode, cash receipts will be generated in a test online cash register with a debug fiscal drive. Test online cash registers are disabled by default. To enable it please contact your manager or email to


Error Codes

You can see the error codes below that determine the reason of payment rejection.

The payment widget displays an error message automatically. In API it is represented by the CardHolderMessage parameter.

Code Name Reason Message for payer
5001 Refer To Card Issuer Issuer declined the operation Contact your bank or use another card
5003 Invalid Merchant Issuer declined the operation Contact your bank or use another card
5004 Pick Up Card Lost Card Contact your bank or use another card
5005 Do Not Honor Issuer declined without explanation
- CVV code is incorrect for MasterCard;
- Issuer Bank internal limitations;
- card is locked or not activated yet;
- card is not allowed for online payments or has no 3-D secure.
Contact your bank or use another card
5006 Error Network failure to perform an operation or incorrect CVV code Check the correctness of entered card data or use another card
5007 Pick Up Card Special Conditions Lost Card Contact your bank or use another card
5012 Invalid Transaction The card is not intended for online payments Contact your bank or use another card
5013 Amount Error Too small or too large transaction amount Check the correctness of the amount
5014 Invalid Card Number Invalid Card Number Check the correctness of entered card data or use another card
5015 No Such Issuer Unknown card issuer Use another card
5019 Transaction Error Issuer declined without explanation
- CVV code is incorrect for MasterCard;
- Issuer Bank internal limitations;
- card is locked or not activated yet;
- card is not allowed for online payments or has no 3-D secure.
Contact your bank or use another card
5030 Format Error Error on the side of the acquirer - incorrectly formed transaction Try again later
5031 Bank Is Not Supported By Switch Unknown card issuer Use another card
5033 Expired Card Pickup Expired Card Pickup Contact your bank or use another card
5034 Suspected Fraud Issuer failure - fraud is suspected Contact your bank or use another card
5036 Restricted Card The card is not intended for online payments Contact your bank or use another card
5041 Lost Card Lost Card Contact your bank or use another card
5043 Stolen Card Stolen Card Contact your bank or use another card
5051 Insufficient Funds Insufficient Funds Insufficient Funds
5054 Expired Card Card is expired or expiration date is incorrect Check the correctness of entered card data or use another card
5057 Transaction Is Not Permitted Card limitation
— internal limitations of Issuer
— card is locked or not activated yet;
— card is not allowed for online payments or has no 3-D secure.
Contact your bank or use another card
5062 Restricted Card 2 The card is not intended for online payments Contact your bank or use another card
5063 Security Violation The card is blocked by security violation Use another card
5065 Exceed Withdrawal Frequency Card transactions limit is exceeded Contact your bank or use another card
5082 Incorrect CVV Incorrect CVV code Incorrect CVV code
5091 Timeout Issuer is not available Try again later or use another card
5092 Cannot Reach Network Issuer is not available Try again later or use another card
5096 System Error Acquiring bank or network error Try again later
5204 Unable To Process The operation cannot be processed for other reasons Contact your bank or use another card
5206 Authentication failed 3-D secure Authentication failed Contact your bank or use another card
5207 Authentication unavailable 3-D secure Authentication unavailable Contact your bank or use another card
5300 Anti Fraud Acquirer Transaction Limits Use another card

Check notitifcation processig responses

You can see the codes below how system registers your replies on check notification.

Code Name Reason
3001 InvalidInvoiceId Callback handler returned {"code":10}
3002 InvalidAccountId Callback handler returned {"code":11}
3003 InvalidAmount Callback handler returned {"code":12}
3004 OutOfDate Callback handler returned {"code":20}
3005 FormatError Callback handler returned a different code from expected
3006 Unavailable Service unavailable
3007 UnableToConnect Unable to connect (404, 504, 508 и т.д)
3008 NotAccepted Callback handler returned {"code":13}

Operation Types

The following table presents codes of operation types in notifications.

Code Name
Payment Payment
Refund Refund
CardPayout Card payout

Transaction Statuses

The following table presents transaction statuses, conditions of use, and possible actions.

Status Description Use Possible actions
AwaitingAuthentication Awaiting Authentication When a payer is visiting an issuer's website while waiting for 3-D Secure results No actions
Authorized Authorized When authorized Confirm, Cancel
Completed Completed When operation is confirmed Refund
Cancelled Cancelled In case of cancellation of operation No actions
Declined Declined In case of failure to complete transaction (Insufficient Funds, etc) No actions

Subscription Statuses (Recurrents)

The following table presents subscription statuses, usage conditions, and possible actions.

Status Description Use Possible actions
Active Subscription is active When subscription is created and/or payment by subscription is done Cancel
PastDue Subscription is expired After one or two consecutive unsuccessful payment attempts Cancel
Cancelled Cancelled In case of cancellation upon request No actions
Rejected Rejected In the case of three unsuccessful back-to-back payment attempts No actions
Expired Done In case of completion of the maximum number of periods (if specified) No actions

Currency List

Our partners accept payments in rubles, US dollars, euros, pound sterling, and 54 other currencies of the world.

The following table presents the names of the currencies and their codes which can be assigned to the currency parameter of the Widget or API.

Name Code
Russian ruble RUB
Euro EUR
US dollar USD
Pound sterling GBP
Ukrainian hryvnia UAH
Belarusian ruble (not applicable since the 1st of July 2016) BYR
Belarusian ruble BYN
Kazakh tenge KZT
Azerbaijani manat AZN
Swiss frank CHF
Czech koruna CZK
Canadian dollar CAD
Polish zloty PLN
Swedish crown SEK
Turkish lira TRY
Chinese yuan CNY
Indian rupee INR
Brazilian real BRL
South african rand ZAR
Uzbek sum UZS
Bulgarian lev BGN
Romanian leu RON
Australian dollar AUD
Hong Kong dollar HKD
Georgian lari GEL
Kyrgyzstani som KGS
Armenian dram AMD
United Arab Emirates dirham AED

If the currency you need is not listed, email us at and we will update the list.

Timezone Codes

The table below contains time zone codes for time conversion.

Code Description
HST (UTC-10:00) Hawaii
AKST (UTC-09:00) Alaska
PST (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time (US and Canada)
MST (UTC-07:00) Mountain time (USA and Canada)
CST (UTC-06:00) Central time (USA and Canada)
EST (UTC-05:00) Eastern time (USA and Canada)
AST (UTC-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)
BRT (UTC-03:00) Brazil
UTC (UTC) UTC Format
GMT (UTC) Dublin, Lisbon, London, Edinburgh
CET (UTC+01:00) Amsterdam, Berlin, Bern, Vienna, Rome, Stockholm
CET (UTC+01:00) Belgrade, Bratislava, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague
CET (UTC+01:00) Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid, Paris
CET (UTC+01:00) Warsaw, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Skopje
EET (UTC+02:00) Athens, Bucharest
EET (UTC+02:00) Vilnius, Kiev, Riga, Sofia, Tallinn, Helsinki
EET (UTC+02:00) Eastern Europe
EET (UTC+02:00) Kaliningrad (RTZ 1)
MSK (UTC+03:00) Volgograd, Moscow, St. Petersburg (RTZ 2)
MSK (UTC+03:00) Minsk
AZT (UTC+04:00) Baku
AMT (UTC+04:00) Yerevan
SAMT (UTC+04:00) Izhevsk, Samara (RTZ 3)
GET (UTC+04:00) Tbilisi
TJT (UTC+05:00) Ashgabat, Tashkent
YEKT (UTC+05:00) Yekaterinburg (RTZ 4)
ALMT (UTC+06:00) Astana, Almaty
NOVT (UTC+06:00) Novosibirsk (RTZ 5)
KRAT (UTC+07:00) Krasnoyarsk (RTZ 6)
HKT (UTC+08:00) Hong Kong, Beijing, Urumqi, Chongqing
IRKT (UTC+08:00) Irkutsk (RTZ 7)
SGT (UTC+08:00) Kuala Lumpur, Singapore
ULAT (UTC+08:00) Ulaanbaatar
YAKT (UTC+09:00) Yakutsk (RTZ 8)
VLAT (UTC+10:00) Vladivostok, Magadan (RTZ 9)
SAKT (UTC+11:00) Chokurdah (RTZ 10)
ANAT (UTC+12:00) Anadyr, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky (RTZ 11)

Notification Types

The table below contains the types of notifications.

Code Name
Check Check
Pay Pay
Fail Fail
Confirm Confirm
Refund Refund
Recurrent Recurrent
Cancel Cancel